Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dec 6, 2011


Putting up Christmas decorations this year is
quite a challenge since we now have an 11 month
old baby.
It has been awhile since we had a baby in the house.
Our youngest daughter is now 13 years old.
Yes folks, we waited for quite a long time for this
baby to come.

We did a lot of thinking specially when it comes 
to putting up our Christmas Tree.


We decided to put the tree in the corner (sorry tree).
As for the decorations, we did not use our regular
All the ornaments on our tree are non breakable,
light weight, and not small enough to be swallowed.
We also did not place any ornaments on the bottom
12 inches of the tree which will be accessible
to baby Jayden.
Thank goodness our tree comes pre-lighted which 
means no hanging light wires that Jayden can grab.

Despite all the baby proofing that we did on our
tree, I think it still came out looking good.

Looking forward to next year's TODDLER PROOFING!

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